The following is a list of useful links that I have compiled. The links will be changed on a continuous basis, and I will attempt to meet the needs of the viewer.
- http://www.Amazon.com
- A leading book dealer and seller of products on the internet that can meet your needs.Look for the novel, The Wailing Wind, A Tale of Love and Obsession by Joseph T. Renaldi
This site is a tribute to education through poetry
- http://profiles.yahoo.com/joren_17931
- This site contains information on the personal profile of Joseph T. Renaldi.
- http://www.acepilots.com
- This site contains a vast amount of literary material that deals specifically with the American Air Aces of World War II and the Korean War. Anyone interested in air flight and air combat will be overwhelmed with the vast amount of interesting information.
- http://www.fivecorners.com
- This is the sight of the publishers of The Wailing Wind, A Tale of Love and Obsession by Joseph T. Renaldi
- http://www.Barnesandnoble.com
- One of the leading book sellers on the internet.Information on The Wailing Wind, A Tale of Love and Obsession can be obtained from this site.
- Google
- One of the best search engines on the internet. Use google search to acquire additional information on Joseph T. Renaldi, The Wailing Wind, A Tale of Love and Obsession or any web address (URL).
- http://www.af.mil/accband/
- The United States Air Force Heritage Band is well known for its entertaining performances in the eastern United States. They play a variety of music, but their march music is outstanding. The band music is well worth downloading for your enjoyment.
- http://www.josephrenaldi.tripod.com
The personal site of Joseph T. Renaldi. The site contains a vast amount of material and will take a considerable amount of time to complete the download. Please be patient. Thank you.
- Yahoo!
- With over half a million sites, divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
- This site is designed to inform anyone interested in acquiring geographical, historical, or any pertinent information regarding all of the 50 states of the United States of America.